About Al-Maghtas
Al-Maghtas is derived from Arabic name for the “Baptism Site of Jesus”, the enterprise has become one of the fast-growing Agro processing enterprises in the Northern region dealing in crop production, value addition and agricultural supplies. Al-Maghtas strive to boost quality of agricultural products to meet diversified market’s needs locally and internationally by improving quality of Agri products through value addition. We believe that a combination of innovative technologies and inclusive business models is key in unlocking opportunities for smallholder commercialized farmers esp. youth and women groups and provides a competitive participation in profitable agricultural markets. Al-Maghtas Investment seeks to innovate, adapt, and promote value addition of cassava products and other Agri products. Al-Maghtas adopted green manufacturing by application of green technology such as solar drying technologies (i.e., sun drying and flash drying) to enhance quality of cassava products and provide access to markets for products from other smallholders.
Al-Maghtas Investment Ltd provides both agricultural services and products that strive to create an investment pool by adding value to agricultural products to meet diversified market’s needs (locally and internationally). Our Agricultural products from crops and animal husbandries ( cattle, goats, apiary (beekeeping), poultry and piggery).